“We Show You the Light”

Site Lighting
Site lighting systems have changed dramatically over the years in response to developer, community and corresponding “dark sky” guidelines.  At FSE, we can provide site lighting solutions that meet even the strictest environmental lighting codes. Our team has designed hundreds of site lighting projects and we offer an extensive variety of exterior site fixtures at competitive prices. In addition to lighting supply, we offer you “point by point” photometric layouts and virtual prototype designs to assist in retrofitting your existing facility or designing your new project.  Let FSELIGHTSource provide the site lighting design and engineering and then pick from an endless supply of cost effective new fixtures. Typical applications include shopping centers, automotive dealerships, municipal and educational facilities and other commercial parking areas.

Retail Lighting/ Signage
We offer one of the largest selections of exterior lighting fixtures in the country and not only can we find the right fixtures for your project we can assist you in the design and engineering of your lighting systems. Designing retail lighting should follow two key elements, form and function. We design your lighting with these two aspects at the forefront of all of our retail applications. To insure an energy efficient system as well as optimal performance, our team utilizes state-of-the-art technology to best compliment the architectural lines of your space. Whether you are looking for new lighting for your facility, considering retrofitting your existing lighting or just trying to make your existing exterior lighting or sign more energy efficient, FSELIGHTSource has the design team and lighting suppliers to meet your needs.

Interior Lighting
At FSE we understand that there is a multitude of commercial lighting fixture manufacturers in the United States and because of this, the task of selecting the correct fixture for the correct application can be confusing for a lighting “specifier”.  Bring us your lighting package and let us provide you cost effective alternatives that meet the same specifications and quality standards.  Our team of professionals has over 50 years of combined experience in the lighting industry and we can provide you with the right fixture for the right application…within budget!


Services List

»  Site Lighting

»  Retail Lighting/ Signage

»  Interior Lighting